HTML 5, CSS 3, Responsive,
HTML5 Shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries. Minimal JS-Library and Java Script functions optimized.
Multimedia Files are perfectly embedded in our Homepages. Like Maps (mostly Google Maps) are up to date html Implementations.
All our Web Solutions works perfect on all dufferent types of Hardware. Phablets, iPad´s, Tablets, ..
As Customer you can choose CMS (Ccontant management System) you prefer. Or we discuess your needs and find best suited CMS. We do them all but only for our Customers. Our Sites are handwritten so we can edit everything and all for our Customers wishes.
DKOS.AT DKOS.ATRecently Wordpress became unuseable for our Customers. JOOMLA has always been full with Errors and bad backend-edit. So we got back to ´rooty-like´ CMS like Contao, Kerberos and other Open Source CMS with own Macroedit and /LDAP-/NIS-/NTLM-/SMB-Authentifications.
@ the end counts only whatever you as Customer want, you shall get @!